About Me

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Aria's Boutique is a place where u can got a lot of dreamy n beautiful product with a good quality n services...

Welcome Shopaholic...

Welcome all of the shopaholic....welcome to this site, enjoy your shopping, choose the best stuff, got the best services in order n get 10% discount everyday & 50% discount monthly on a day 5th each month...

July 16, 2010

Shoes & Sandal Catalog--16 July'10 (NEW)

Shoes korean dengan branded Kvoll bisa kamu dapetin disini dengan mudah tanpa harus jauh2 ke Korea....
Style updated Summer 2010....
check this out sis..


                  Shoes & Sandal's Photo Album

July 09, 2010

News Update...

Untuk barang pre-order, P.O dibuka setiap tanggal 1-15 & 16-30
setiap bulannya.
Untuk pembelian 15pcs ke atas shoppanista membayar DP
50%, barang akan langsung kami order ke supplier kami di luar negeri,
jadi anda tidak perlu menunggu tanggal tutup P.O.
Untuk pembelian kurang dr 5pcs DP hanya IDR. 50.000,- saja per item nya...

June 30, 2010

Blazer & Sweater (Updated June 30)

This album is all about blazer & sweater from Korea which is Pre Order estimated 3 weeks from PO closed.
Korean quality with Indonesian price..

Check this out girls..^_^


Pre Order 2

Fashionishta....pre order 2 akan closed tgl 10 July '10..buruan temukan item yg kamu suka n inbox ke kita. ^_*
Kualitas Korea harga Indo...how bout this??? ^__^

June 28, 2010

Shoes Catalog

This album belongs to many kinds of shoes style, start from heel shoes until flat shoes..
We're present this style special from Kvoll Korea design for shoes..Glamorous, Chic, Elegant..
Check this out...
(dijamin murah untuk ukuran sepatu import Korea dg update style)

    Kvoll Shoes Photo Album

Coat - Blazer - Jacket

All about coat, cardigan, blazer & jacket with a price range IDR. 150.000 until IDR. 250.000

Got ur style now...^_*
Low price with Korean High Quality..

Must have this item girls...

Coat_Blazer_Jacket Photo Album

Blouse Korea (special edition)

All about blouse under IDR. 180.000 with Korean quality..check this out!!
This is Pre-Order album for Korean's Blouse which is updated.
Check this stuff...this must be have item!! ^_*

Blouse Korea (special edition) Photo Album

Blouse Catalog

How 2 order :
1. Check size, color dan code yg mau diorder.
2. Hubungi marketing di YM or HP sesuai di info
3. Untuk pembeli pertama kali akan dikenakan pembayaran Down Payment IDR. 50.000 khusus yg pakaian PO (pre-order).
4. Setelah barang sdh masuk indonesia dan siap di...kirimkan, baru akan dikonfirmasi untuk pelunasan sisa or pembayaran full, pembayaran melalui bank BCA dan Danamon.
5. Pengiriman melalui JNE.
6. Keterangan lebih lanjut hubungi di YM or contact via message.
Location: From Japan, Korea & Taiwan

June 27, 2010

Dress Catalog

How 2 order :
1. Check size, color dan code yg mau diorder.
2. Hubungi marketing di YM or HP sesuai di info
3. Untuk pembeli pertama kali akan dikenakan pembayaran Down Payment IDR. 50.000 khusus yg pakaian PO (pre-order).
4. Setelah barang sdh masuk indonesia dan siap di...kirimkan, baru akan dikonfirmasi untuk pelunasan sisa or pembayaran full, pembayaran melalui bank BCA dan Danamon.
5. Pengiriman melalui JNE.
6. Keterangan lebih lanjut hubungi di YM or contact via message.
                                       Location: From Japan, Korea & Taiwan

Long Coat Catalog

This album belongs to many kinds of Long Coat (mantel panjang) from a view of season.

Harga Long Coat lebih mahal dari fashion lain karena bahan dan berat serta impor market Japan. Harap dimaklumi...(boleh dibandingkan dengan mall)..^_^
Location: From Japan & Korea